A Deluxe Apartment in the Sky

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I am outdated

Well, back in the day, I had my own little webpage, all HTML written by me. Not great, but at least I could easily upload pics and determine the layout. Apparently I have outlived my technological usefulness, because FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I cannot post a pic to my profile.

Anyhow, tomorrow I am going to see the Drew Emmit Band, and can't wait. If you've never seen them, you don't know what you're missing. Actually, I am probably lying - I've never seen them. But Drew Emmit used to be part of Leftover Salmon, an allegedly awesome bluegrass band, but I wouldn't know, because every time they came to concert in Ohio, they were in Athens on a weeknight... damn!

Better yet, I'm going with a seemingly nice girl named Susanne, who actually has 1) A brain 2) A degree of stability 3) A vocubulary not full of annoying restaurant lingo (see future posts on KP for further explanation) and 4) strawberry blonde hair - do you all know how much I dig that?

So far this blogging thing is not at all living up to my expectations, because for whatever reason I can't think of anything humorous or entertaining to write about. But, dear comrades, the best wines age over time, so maybe there's hope yet.

Tonight's rant has been sponsored by Jackie from "That 70s show".

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My First Time!

Well, been talking about doing it for months, thought about it, contemplated some more, wasn't sure whether to go forward with the whole thing, do I really know what I'm getting into? So anyhow, here it is the beginning of the blog. What exactly didja think I was referring to?

So this is partly to keep all my pals back home in Cleveland up to date on the oh-so-fascinating experiences I'm having 1800 miles away, but also to demonstrate to the rest of the world just how certifiably weird I am.

Short tonight, just wanted to get this up and running, but will have plenty to share. Stay tuned for scenes from next week's Deluxe Apartment in the Sky. And now, a word from our sponsors:

The Sun: Romantic Death

Also brought to you with underwear, oops, underwriting support from everyone's dream girl (well, mine, anyhow).