A Deluxe Apartment in the Sky

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Movie going

Today I went to see the movie Domino with Keira Knightley, among others. I won't bore you with how beautiful she is, just trust me.

So... bear in mind that the movie is rated R. As in "we'll let kids under 17 in with a parent, but you should know the movie is violent, sexual, and has lots of rotten language." Anyhow, if you're, say, 14 or 15, I say no harm, no foul. But if you're, say, 8 to 10 years old, honestly, this is not a movie for you. But apparently in Flagstaff, parents are down with their kids seeing this, since probably a third of the audience was made up of kids in just about that age range. Even still, even though *I* wouldn't allow this if I were a parent, I don't really give a shit if you want to expose your kid to it - just don't whine about it in the paper when he/she blows up your house or rapes a classmate or something. ANYHOW, I really wouldn't care, but for God's sake, MAKE THE KIDS SHUT THE HELL UP. See, this movie has a story line that won't interest most kids, and one they probably don't really understand, so they start talking, and that just about makes me wanna punch them!!!

Most movies that are R-rated are for two reasons: 1) Content or 2) To keep out moronic kids who'd rather see Yu-gi-oh or however you spell it.

Ok, enough on that. My next issue with my experience today is that I am truly glad Flagstaff has banned smoking in bars and restaurants. But apparently not the smell of 3-days-unwashed clothing and stale smoky/dirty smell that accompanies the nasty habit. There was a guy sitting BEHIND me a row or two who absolutely reeked. I moved, but honestly, the air in most stadium theaters goes UP, not down, so how much smoking did this guy do, exactly, and how long had it been since he'd washed his clothes? He didn't reek of BO, just filthy smoke. Gross. I'm all about free will and chioce, don't get me wrong, but one would hope some people would CHOOSE to wash. Apparently not.

Nothing hilarious or intriguing today, just thought I'd rant a little. I think next time I'll write about K - haven't really thought much about her since I moved here, but for some reason she popped into my head today.

In the mean time, enjoy this pic of a California condor that was totally posing for a small crowd at the Grand Canyon (only an hour away from me, by the way for any of you who want to visit). I took this around 3 weeks ago.


P.S. Today's post has not been sponsored by George Bush or Karl Rove, @ssholes that they are.


At 7:38 AM, Blogger Melanie was here said...

That is why I choose to watch movies at home! Anyone speaks out when I am trying to watch and I actually can smack the shit out of them!

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Flan said...

Well, I'm not sure that talking during "Super Troopers" would necessarily be disruptive, MJ, but since you consider it art, I guess I can understand.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...

I HATE HATE HATE it when people talk during movies. It's either the young, bored, obnoxious kids who ALWAYS sit behind me and kick my seat; or the middle-aged "play-by-play-let-me-explain-this-to-you" guy who ALWAYS sits next to me; or the 85-year-old hard-of hearing person who sits in front of me and constantly, loudy asks "What did he say?" followed by an even louder answer.

I'm with Mel on this one - this is why I don't go to movies either.

And don't even get me started on the smell!!!


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