A Deluxe Apartment in the Sky

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Deluxe Apartment in the Sky

Okey dokey - this whole thing's gonna be pretty lame if I don't get some stuff on it soon. Look for something actually worth reading on Monday A.M. or very late Sunday P.M.

I hope the whole 2 people that actually read this have a great Friday. Don't work too hard. And please, for the love of GOD, keep your poop and tuna stories to yourselves. Sincerely - I got more than enough fill of colon-related issues while dating An -oops, no names, but she who shall forever be referred to as.... "THE FARTER."

Which reminds, me actually, of a great story to post very, very soon. Stay tuned!

This lame-o post is sponsored by total geeks. Why is it again that I am single and, most likely, these dudes aren't?


At 5:31 AM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...

They're not single because they hang out in front of the Women's Restroom and lasso them up some ladies. Maybe they use the Vulcan Death Grip on them and trick them into getting married. I don't know. But they prove a valid point: LOCATION IS KEY. So, Flanny Boy, park yourself outside of the Ladies' Shitter, and russle you up some fillies.

Oh, and FIRST!


PS: Keep posting or you will get a visit from the Sternum-Punching Fairy


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